Sunday, February 10, 2008

handy work

I have spent a bit of time this weekend talking with boy about the house - it seems to be falling down around us! Perhaps that is a little dramatic but it does need a lot of work. I have been getting into things around the house and am caulking the floorboards as there are rather large gaps forming between them. People say you shouldn't fill gaps in floorboards as they move with the weather but they haven't seen these boards. I don't think they were laid very well and they had been filled before. Of course it is all coming out now so there are parts of the house where you can see through to the ground below! It is a bit worrying. Then there is the water damage to the boards on the outside of the house. Poor old thing, it is a really old house and she needs some attention soon. Now we just need to find a builder!

It is a nice day to be messing around with house maintenance though. Boy is watching cricket and it is nice to have it on in the background. Cricket has become a bit of a soundtrack to summer, it is so often on. Today is a lovely day, it has been so hot recently but there is a cool breeze moving through the house now. It is a nice afternoon to take the hairy one out for a bit of a run. She went to the dog beach yesterday and is slowly getting more comfortable with being in the ocean - she still won't swim though. Funny little thing she is!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Friends built a house from wood here some years ago. Very green and all. There was not so much experience with wood-building around here, a lot of the knowledge had to be re-discovered and learned again.
Up the first floor the planks shrinked significantly and one could look through easily: The wood was too young when it was cut and laied out as floor. It has to dry some time, after it is cut, I mean when the tree is sliced - I am sorry, I do not know the termini technici on this.
A good builder, carpenter - in German it's a Zimmermann, a room-builder - will surely know what to do.
Spring comes with might, I saw buds on the bushes and shrubs today! Still cold, below freezing point in the night, but sunny and clear: Juhu!