Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blood Moon

We had an extraordinary eclipse last night, there was a perfect alignment of the earth, sun and moon which had the effect of the Earth's shadow moving across the moon. While the moon was eclipsed, it appeared red (some say because of pollution in the atmosphere from fires around the planet). It was an amazing thing to watch the movement of the planets. All the time, we are witnessing this without giving it any thought but seeing the moon move into darkness was quite profound.

People have reported feeling a little odd or off colour today. Myself, I have found my own cycle linked well into the lunar cycle. Strangely, I have had little pain today which is normally my most painful day.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Vege patch

There is some great growth in the patch at the moment. The warmer days must have given the plants a bit of a wake-up. The paw paw has a few fruits starting to grow and the herbs are growing rapidly, I have never had parsley that looks so good. I planted out some zucchinis and squash plants today as well so hopefully they will go well. Zucchinis have always grown well in our patch but there are always things beyond our control at play in the garden. I will just let nature decide what is going to succeed and be grateful for whatever she provides. It is a joy to be outside.

A week of rain

We have had a fantastic week of rain - finally!!! It was so dry but the rain has helped things a lot - at least in the garden if not in our dams. Today it is sunny (for the moment, it looks like more clouds are approaching) and it is a nice day to be outside in the warm breezy air. I had a burst of activity this morning and cleaned up the vegetable patch. We seem to have an infestation of a new weed - perhaps it seeded from the mulch. Thankfully it is easy to pull up but it moves fast and has taken over the patch. It is amazing how quickly the beds fell into a crazed state while I was inattentive. Luckily, things have kept growing and it looks lovely again now. I can't wait to harvest the beetroot. There are a few bulbs emerging from the ground so it shouldn't be long now.

It is funny to be reading Jitterbug Perfume at the moment as beetroots keep turning up throughout the story with the accompanying idea that they are ugly things. I love beets, to me they are stunning - what other plant draws up such a magnificent red through its veins? The colour of beetroot is mother nature at her best.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

signs of Spring - number 3

The Jasmine is tumbling over the fence and is so close to flowering. I can almost taste the explosion of scent that will accompany the blooming.

within, deeper and deeper

A book I read about women's cycles spoke of the connection they have to lunar cycles. The author said that typically, our cycles move through levels of energy and engagement (like the waxing of the moon) before a period of inward lookingness and introspection during menstruation (waning). Since this operation, I have been completely separated from my cycle and as such, from the ebbs and flows of inward and outward focusing of energy.

I have skipped my period a number of times to enable me to monitor my recovery (which has hit a bit of a bump in the road recently and I seem to be going backwards a bit just now). The pain and bleeding has made me feel like I have been having a period constantly for the past few weeks but without the hormonal release that normally accompanies it. I find myself in a state of introspection and with a focus on nurturing , which must be what my body needs but it is split with a competing need to use the increased energy I have been feeling. I am, at the same time, trying to reconcile a tendency towards inward and outer focus - how can that be sustained?

I took the step to see a naturopath today to seek some additional healing advice. I know that there are various vitamins and minerals that can assist in healing after operations and thought it would be good to get a bit more organised with this. I always feel calm about these matters before I start speaking to people about them so by the time I had finished talking to her, she seemed a rather concerned overall - so she has added some sort of stress assistance in her potion which in retrospect will be a welcome bonus. The mixture that she gave me is actually quite soothing in taste as well which must be a bonus after some stories I have heard from friends recently with mixes they have been given.

Hopefully this will help me along. I need to try to stay out of this mire that I am so predisposed to.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I wish I could draw

I wish I could draw. I recently found a gorgeous book of botanical art which I finally bought after coveting it for some time in a local store. It was one of those books that sat up on a high display shelf, a thing of beauty proudly shown off by the owner who was obviously pleased with himself at having found such a beauty. I stop in this book store on my way home quite regularly - it is a small and independently owned store with staff who love what they do. I loathe going into bookstores where the staff have no interest in reading. This store is full of people who are always absorbed in some book or another and there is a shelf behind the counter displaying what each of the staff are currently reading. It is through this shelf that I develop unclaimed loyalties to certain staff over others.

Anyway, the drawing... I have never been able to draw, partly due to an inability to control perspective. I either run out of room on the page or end up drawing the object ridiculously small. I have always loved botanical art, the way that an artist can identify the singular beauty of a leaf or petal resonates deeply. The study of a plant through art is wonderful to me, surely there is no better way to understand the inner workings of a flower or seed than to disassemble and draw it. Alas, I am constrained by my embarrassment and will keep drawing away in secret until I can muster up something that at least resembles what I am attempting to draw.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Words on the street

Every so often, I walk home from work and revel in the chance to clear my mind and shift down a gear or two before getting home. Now that the days are getting longer again, I will start walking home more. On my walk, I pass a section of the path outside a banking building where someone has engraved 'Where is the War on Greed' into wet cement. I love seeing this, we had so much of the supposed 'war on terror' shoved down our gullets for so long.

Walking home gives me some time to slow down the mind after what has invariably been a madly busy day. I often find it difficult to come home after work and shift straight into home mode. I find myself approaching things as I do at work and, if it has been a particularly bad day, can get a bit cranky about things not being done properly or too slowly. It is a crazy thing to think because my aim is always to slow down, I guess sometimes it takes a bit of time to get to slow.

It is great to feel some energy again. I am finally feeling relatively normal again. I have been trying to not be so introverted and have been getting out to see friends and have been to a few concerts recently which has been fantastic. So many bands are touring at the moment, there always seems to be something on. I feel happier again and importantly, lighter in spirit. I really enjoyed walking home yesterday along the river and got up early today to take the dog for a long morning walk. We did a huge spring clean which has been welling in me for a long time for me. There is so much dust in the house and now that the hairy one has started to shed her winter coat, there is dog hair blowing through the house like tumbleweeds. For what seems like the first time in ages, we have the day at home together tomorrow, doing nothing. I am really looking forward to a day of real rest - perhaps we will get into the garden and get things ready for Spring or maybe just spend the day reading the papers and our books. Whatever it is, I dont mind, it will just be nice to hang out with the boy in this perfect weather.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Book Unsuggester

I just came across a great website, it is an unsuggester. You type in the title of a book that you like and it will return a large list of books that you will not enjoy. It has been right with all the ones I put in. Funny stuff....

Sunday Cricket

Boy's cricket team made it through to the semi-finals, an accomplishment which he was most proud of. The pooch and I have been going along to support the team a bit recently and went again on Sunday for the semi-final. It was a lovely day - the weather was perfect and my Dad came along with me. I love having a day with Dad, it is nice to have a chance to natter away for a few hours. He is a great story teller and always has much to say. We packed a few flasks of tea and a mountain of sandwiches. I also found a packet of 'McVitties Chocolate Digestives' - a favourite which we munched our way through. Boy's team won by a mile and the game was over quicker than I have ever seen. I think it meant a lot to him that Dad came along. He played really well, as usual, and the team were all really excited. As he gets older, his body is resisting the traumatic movement which is bowling and I think it is going to be very hard for him to let the game go when the time comes. It has been with him all his life, and bonded him closely to his Grandpa, these things are hard to let go of.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Signs of Spring - number 2

This evening I came home from work just after dusk - which is getting later by the day - and was met by the most delightful scent of port wine magnolia flowers. I can't find the flower on the bush but the smell is unmistakable.
I can't wait for another weekend.