Saturday, August 18, 2007

within, deeper and deeper

A book I read about women's cycles spoke of the connection they have to lunar cycles. The author said that typically, our cycles move through levels of energy and engagement (like the waxing of the moon) before a period of inward lookingness and introspection during menstruation (waning). Since this operation, I have been completely separated from my cycle and as such, from the ebbs and flows of inward and outward focusing of energy.

I have skipped my period a number of times to enable me to monitor my recovery (which has hit a bit of a bump in the road recently and I seem to be going backwards a bit just now). The pain and bleeding has made me feel like I have been having a period constantly for the past few weeks but without the hormonal release that normally accompanies it. I find myself in a state of introspection and with a focus on nurturing , which must be what my body needs but it is split with a competing need to use the increased energy I have been feeling. I am, at the same time, trying to reconcile a tendency towards inward and outer focus - how can that be sustained?

I took the step to see a naturopath today to seek some additional healing advice. I know that there are various vitamins and minerals that can assist in healing after operations and thought it would be good to get a bit more organised with this. I always feel calm about these matters before I start speaking to people about them so by the time I had finished talking to her, she seemed a rather concerned overall - so she has added some sort of stress assistance in her potion which in retrospect will be a welcome bonus. The mixture that she gave me is actually quite soothing in taste as well which must be a bonus after some stories I have heard from friends recently with mixes they have been given.

Hopefully this will help me along. I need to try to stay out of this mire that I am so predisposed to.

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