Sunday, August 26, 2007

Vege patch

There is some great growth in the patch at the moment. The warmer days must have given the plants a bit of a wake-up. The paw paw has a few fruits starting to grow and the herbs are growing rapidly, I have never had parsley that looks so good. I planted out some zucchinis and squash plants today as well so hopefully they will go well. Zucchinis have always grown well in our patch but there are always things beyond our control at play in the garden. I will just let nature decide what is going to succeed and be grateful for whatever she provides. It is a joy to be outside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I envy you and anybody else who has the ability to distinguish these green things from each other. Yes, different plants, even I can see that. Some are edible I hear. Some are small, some are big, some even have wood in themselves ... It's not that bad, bud I really can not sort them out. :)

First cold days here. A little too early. We will have a nice autumn. I saw very fat mice when riding bicycle on the weekend. That indicated always a hard winter to come, but maybe it means nowadays simply, well - fat mice. I saw the first tree with brown leafs yesterday, a cherry.
I would like to take photographs, there is an oak I see daily. "Portrait of an oak".

Hope you stay healthy.