Tuesday, July 3, 2007

feeling a bit better

Starting to feel a bit better today. Yesterday I was feeling a bit flat and was starting to worry more about how to get back to normal and what that means. After going to the shops yesterday afternoon, I started feeling a bit sore and woozy again so put on some lamb shanks to cook and lay down with a book and a cup of tea. Then boy came home from work and brought some life back into the house with him. It was nice to cook dinner for him after all of his caring for me over the past month. I cooked the shanks with tomatoes and lentils and they were lovely and tender - a nice comforting meal.

After a good night sleep I decided to stay in bed until I finished my book (A Spot of Bother) and when I finally got up I was greeted by a lovely warm winter's day. I have almost finished my knitting which seems somehow symbolic in that I started knitting just before I had my breast biopsy as a way to calm and focus my thoughts. I think that it is time to move on from this once i have finished my - well whatever it is, still thinking of a pillowcase.

Today has been quite lovely really - people have been mowing their lawns so there is a nice smell of freshly cut grass in the air. The day is sunny and warm and as a result I have been feeling happier, despite myself. I had a nice midday surprise when boy came home for a cup of tea and brought the new Haruki Murakami book for me - he is such a thoughtful soul. It will be nice to sit on the verandah this afternoon and get into the book. Time to pop the kettle on and enjoy what is left of this day.

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