Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Back into the world

I went back to work today which was probably a good thing - certainly a good thing to get away from my own thoughts and start to interact with people again. Although, I had a really nice day yesterday - particularly after boy brought home the new Murakami for me, it is wonderful (of course).

I had a call from the Doctor this afternoon to let me know that the sample had come back without invasive cancer - I dont know whether this means that some other form of cancer was found that wasnt invasive or whether this is just that the CIN3 cells were found without having progressed to cancer. I guess this is good news. I have to see her in just over a month to check on the recovery progress.

I still cannot stop reliving the process - it all happened so quickly that I have needed to keep going over everything that happened. I am sure that with time I will be able to let it all go but as long as I keep getting bills and calls, I stay with it. Also, it hasnt been even a week yet so perhaps I should just go with it. They say anaesthetic stays in your system for a while so it is no wonder really that I am still feeling skewed. I do need to find a way to re-place myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It takes some time to find the next word, sorry, ...
Saw your comment on the professor's site. Stumbled in here.

I try to write something down that is not too stupid, sounds not "albern", but I find nothing. I would like to read your blog coming.

Ja. That's it.