Friday, August 8, 2008

building prep!

We are but three days away from the start of building work on the side of the house. We are getting boards replaced on the Eastern side as many are rotting from weather damage. We are getting new windows, window hoods and insulation - doesn't sound that exciting but we are looking forward to this being done a great deal! It has been too many years in the making but we are at long last finally here. It is going to be weird and messy but the outcome will be great. The builder is starting at 6am every morning which will be a challenge for me, I am not an early riser. At least the hairy ones will get morning walks as we try to wake ourselves up in preparation for the day. It will be a few weeks of work that will have enough of an impact on our lives to be disruptive but I am sure we can deal with it like we have with everything else. Boy is ever patient and calm to my chaotic self...

Meanwhile, I am still sick and seem to be getting a flu now rather than just a cold. Just days away from going back to work..

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