Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Birthday avoidance

It is my Birthday on Monday and this year I have decided that it is time to spend some time with friends and celebrate it. Every year, I avoid this. I spend time with the fam and boy but havent had a party for longer than I can remember. I am not entirely sure what my concern has been but it is a cross between not wanting to be in the spotlight, which you can't avoid if you ask people to come out to celebrate your existence. Also, I think I have some latent fear from childhood that no-one will want to come and you will be stuck alone with the kid that you know is only there because their Mum made them go!

I went with the safe option of a dinner out at a restaurant with people I know are my close friends. It will be a fun night - we are off to have some Thai and then cocktails at a little bar I love. I have made a vow only to invite people that I really want to spend the night with and have not asked anyone out of a sense of obligation. Hopefully it will be a good night and everyone will get along (or at least find someone that they connect with). That is the problem at this age, there are friends from all over the place and they are not all the same type of people. It will be interesting if nothing else!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! It sure is a happy evening, mote than only interesting. My best wishes, stay healthy - just knocked on wood for that. Some changes in your next year, I wish you luck for all that!