Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I wish I could draw

I wish I could draw. I recently found a gorgeous book of botanical art which I finally bought after coveting it for some time in a local store. It was one of those books that sat up on a high display shelf, a thing of beauty proudly shown off by the owner who was obviously pleased with himself at having found such a beauty. I stop in this book store on my way home quite regularly - it is a small and independently owned store with staff who love what they do. I loathe going into bookstores where the staff have no interest in reading. This store is full of people who are always absorbed in some book or another and there is a shelf behind the counter displaying what each of the staff are currently reading. It is through this shelf that I develop unclaimed loyalties to certain staff over others.

Anyway, the drawing... I have never been able to draw, partly due to an inability to control perspective. I either run out of room on the page or end up drawing the object ridiculously small. I have always loved botanical art, the way that an artist can identify the singular beauty of a leaf or petal resonates deeply. The study of a plant through art is wonderful to me, surely there is no better way to understand the inner workings of a flower or seed than to disassemble and draw it. Alas, I am constrained by my embarrassment and will keep drawing away in secret until I can muster up something that at least resembles what I am attempting to draw.


Anonymous said...

In Wuerzburg is an exhibition of books of the 18th and 19th century that deal with biological and hortological "things" - "Pomona franconica" is the titel of a book the gardener of the bishop worked on for some years ... Sadly the book is sold and will travel to it's new destination coming winter: Quatar. Anyway, they build a new library there, kind of treasure-box, the volumes will have best conditions. Wonder what the Sheik bought also.

by-lamplight said...

Thank you for leaving that information Mago, what a wonderous book that must be. I looked it up on the web and found some of the drawings, how beautiful they are. Thank you