Sunday, August 26, 2007

A week of rain

We have had a fantastic week of rain - finally!!! It was so dry but the rain has helped things a lot - at least in the garden if not in our dams. Today it is sunny (for the moment, it looks like more clouds are approaching) and it is a nice day to be outside in the warm breezy air. I had a burst of activity this morning and cleaned up the vegetable patch. We seem to have an infestation of a new weed - perhaps it seeded from the mulch. Thankfully it is easy to pull up but it moves fast and has taken over the patch. It is amazing how quickly the beds fell into a crazed state while I was inattentive. Luckily, things have kept growing and it looks lovely again now. I can't wait to harvest the beetroot. There are a few bulbs emerging from the ground so it shouldn't be long now.

It is funny to be reading Jitterbug Perfume at the moment as beetroots keep turning up throughout the story with the accompanying idea that they are ugly things. I love beets, to me they are stunning - what other plant draws up such a magnificent red through its veins? The colour of beetroot is mother nature at her best.

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