Sunday, February 24, 2008

All Clear - One down one to go

I managed to make it to the breast clinic for my six-month check-up without going too mad. I spoke to the woman at the clinic when I made the appointment and she didn't do much to ease my concern about what was ahead - although I understand that she has no choice, it would be worse to be led to believe it will be a stroll in the park when it might not be. I had convinced myself that they would need to do another fine needle biopsy (which was the most painful experience I have ever had) and had myself so worried and preoccupied with this idea. Normally, a visit to the breast clinic takes half a day as they are so busy with the many checks that they do but this weekend they were only doing check-ups and I was in and out within about half an hour. After an ultrasound and general check over by the doctor, I was given the all clear. What a relief it is. Now I dont have to go back until I am 40 unless I find another lump before then.

Thinking back to the last visit, it is hard to believe that after what I went through in the morning I got the call from my GP to tell me that there was something wrong with my pap smear. What a time that was. Boy was and is so supportive, I am blessed to have such love in my life. We are both so relieved that there are no immediate health concerns that will be coming between us anytime soon!

In other good health news, I have lost another kilo so am getting closer to better physical health again. Taking the hairy one out regularly for long walks is good for us both, and it is nice to be out on the cycle paths again too despite the guilt I feel leaving the dog behind..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This needle my mother told me about it years ago. It always hurts, no matter what they say.
The gaps between the test get larger and larger ... I am a little superstitious, but I think it is okay to congratulate: I hope you have beaten the bastard! Good to hear that you are and have not been alone with that.