Saturday, July 28, 2007

Signs of Spring - number 1

While it is only August, today seems to herald the start of Spring. The temperature has risen and the sky is clear and blue. I noticed that the jasmine creeping over the front fence is full of flower buds. There is nothing quite like the scent of Jasmine on a warm breeze. We even have a camelia bush that is full of flowers -it almost went unnoticed.

All of a sudden, everything feels different. I finally have some energy after all the flatness of the past few months. It is like a type of inward looking hibernation has ended and with the warmth I am starting again. I took the pooch out for a walk (the first long one in months). The park was full of people lying in the sun reading weekend papers. The shops are full of crates of strawberries - shiny and deliciously red. I am taken by a need to sit in the sun with Harry..

I must give some thought to the garden, new veges will need to be planted. It will almost be time for zucchinis and cucumbers, how rewarding they are to grow.

the air doesnt quite smell like spring yet though.

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