Saturday, May 10, 2008

welcome to the nameless pup

Feeling much better this week, back into a crazy workload but it is the weekend again so it doesn't matter to me right now.

This week, we welcomed a new addition to the family - a nameless dog who was abandoned by her owners. A friend of ours found her on the side of the road and asked us if we could take her in. He tried to speak with her owners but when he went to their house, they had left - moved house and just left the little one. She is a lovely chocolate labrador and has a beautiful nature. Thankfully she and the hairy one get along well and are getting to know each other well. They are both keeping us up and the pup has managed to find every bone that Boutros has ever buried in the garden (and apparently forgotten!). She has taken to bringing the bones onto the front porch in the middle of the night so I have been woken by the grinding and banging of the bones. We are slowly disposing of the fetid bones but as fast as I get rid of them she finds more. It is nice having a second dog in the house, they are so full of joy.